Saturday, March 20, 2010

March Madness's been spring break this week. much was accomplished (except for re-caulking our tub...sigh)...we power washed all the concrete surfaces (which were quite slippery when humid and/or wet), put up a new fence...not to mention a multitude of cleaning chores - the blinds, the baseboards, cleaning out all closets, the windows inside and out, changing out the kids clothes for summer and bigger sizes, clean and wipe out all the kitchen cabinets, wash all the light fixtures, steam vac the beds, carpets, wash and air the pillows and get the picture...i've been on a frenzied cleaning rampage of epic proportions.

so...may we get back to the power washer? i LOVED using it. i never expected to find this task so exciting...but just seeing all that crap powered away by that little stream was exhilarating! william kept trying to "take over" but i stood firm. our driveway, sidewalk, and patio are sparkling and i am contemplating an excuse to take a trip to the hardware store to rent that puppy again....

on wednesday, b and w were supposed to go camping with rw and bw...but alas...b awoke at 1:30AM wednesday puking...alot. anyway...m had runny poo all the next day (and i'm talking about the kind of runny poo that gets everywhere...we spent most of the day running bath water for her...i even threw away some pants.)...we've promised b that we will plan another camping trip soon.

b celebrated his 5th birthday on friday the 12th. i've noticed that he has gotten taller recently...he has also developed quite the snippy personality...and...he has started to lie. at first i didn't think he really understood what he was doing or comprehending what a lie was...UNTIL we were having boca burgers...he was halfway done and he asked for dessert...well...we told him that he would have to eat some more of his burger. in no time his plate was clean. so we said "great! dessert all around"...then w gets up to get something and sees that b had dropped most of what was left of his burger on the floor. i could tell by the look on his face that he knew exactly what he was doing...EGADS.

m has begun the pacifier rehab more pacifiers during the day...only during nap and's been a loud day around here... she has also recently learned to count to 10 and she can id all the letters of the alphabet except Q and W...she loves her brother and follows him everywhere! i looked on several days ago as they were playing together to see b put his arm around her and say "i love you. you're my best friend"...ooooweeee do i love those two!

tomorrow i play bells for the installation of the new methodist superintendent...should be fun...maybe they'll feed us...

and summation:
1. spring cleaning done...whoot!
2. b is 5? no way!
3. pacifier detox sucks!

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