Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Games of the First Momlympiad

i can accomplish many, many things with only one hand. the other hand is now holding a baby. i was wondering how many moms have noticed what they're able to do one handed?

i shall heretofore create the Momlympics. the first event of the first momlympiad will be one-handed stuff. perhaps the one-handed relay, the one-handed slalom? i haven't thought of what i'll term the new game...that'll come later, tater.'s what will qualify you for a medal in the one-handed event...feel free to add a task to the appropriate medal (limit it to stuff you've actually done)...altho...i maintain my right as creator of the momlympiad to edit your addition...

All events to be performed while holding a screaming, hungry, sleepy, and/or wet baby (oh...and the "child" to which I refer is not the child in your's one of your other chilluns):

Bronze Medal
giving another child a bath
pouring a cup of milk
wiping the counters
emptying the dishwasher

Silver Medal
making a sandwich
kneading dough
folding laundry
changing a poopy pullup w/o spillage

Gold Medal
buttoning a child's shirt
making a bed
dressing yourself
putting on a child's socks

more later...that's all i could think of for now.

to sum:

1. should the momlympiad be a summer or winter game? perhaps about spring?
2. instead of medals, i think i'll hand out spa treatments and massages
3. 5...5 total hours slept in the last 24...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chester is Here!

Edward Joseph Daniel
January 17, 2011 10:49 AM
8 pounds 1 ounce
20 1/2 inches long

William has decided that his name is Eddie Joe. Stephanie has not decided what his name is. Bennett calls him EJ and Meredith refers to him as the "new baby". Grandma Pam has decided that his name will remain Chester.

In summary:

1. Yes, we have a name.
2. No, we don't have a name.
3. I have three chilluns. THREE!!! Whoot!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Law of Somethingoranother

here's what i've noticed...

my floors stay pretty clean (considering the toddlerage wandering around my casa)...UNTIL i sweep and mop the floors. suddenly, juice goes flying. have you noticed how it's never water that gets spilled? it's always a beverage with 3 cups of sugar in it. OR i drop a whisk i used to whip up a lucious pan sauce. the coils boy-yoing-yoing all over spewing the saucy goodness on counters, cabinets, and floors alike.

life lesson? everything can and does spill just after a thorough cleaning

also...there is never a tub pooping incident until the day i clean the tub. that day was today. m has been doing an excellent job with potty training. she's even 2ing. she 2ed this herself no less! just as i was gloating about my potty training skills... i left the room for approximately 2 minutes only to return to a tub full of poop, bathtoys, washcloths and a meredith. so much for that cleaning. after fishing out the poop and the meredith, i filled the tub with nasa-hot water and bleach.

life lesson? pride cometh before the fall.

and, of course, a summary:

1. i should stop serving anything but water after cleaning the floors
2. i should go out to eat after cleaning the floors
3. i should ax william to bathe the potty trainee