Thursday, April 8, 2010

33 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

so...i turned 33 on monday. when i was younger, birthdays were a big deal. not so much anymore. they're just another ordinary day. i don't feel 33. i still feel 23! i guess that's good...

we've had a busy couple of weeks and it's not going to let up soon. we had a great easter. the in-laws and w's came over for dinner and egg hunting. fun was had by all.

b update: i had a conference with b's teacher yesterday. we're both so proud of him. he has really matured in the last several months. she says when he first started pre-k, he played by himself. now he interacts with the other kids. she said that he can be loud and squirmy but considering how he was earlier...loud and squirmy is a great improvement! he is really enjoying tee ball. last year he really held onto our pant's he runs right out to join the other players. he's doing a much better job of being "baseball ready" more building dirt towers or picking flowers! we're working with him on his batting and running. his catching is really going well. he is such a pleasant person to be around. i am excited to see him growing up. excited and sad! we're about 80% firm on our decision to send him to rg for kinder. i'm having a hard time relinquishing several things - him! and the control i have had over his education. need i remind you, dear readers, that he is one smart cookie...thank you very much. but i know that public school (at least for the first couple of years) will be more about social development than educational development. i look forward to seeing him excited about going to school.

m update: well, well, well. what can i say about m? she and i have our sweet moments...where she's cuddling, laughing...but...we also have our "i'm gonna scratch your eyes out if you don't give me what i want" moments. who knew that having a girl would be so difficult? she's very outgoing. afraid of nothing...especially throwing huge tantrums in public. last nite we went to dq for a blizzard...when it was time to go she threw a horrible fit! screaming, throwing herself onto the greasy floor...the whole nine yards! totally unashamed that chica. maria says that her espanol is coming along nicely. she is begining to sing the alphabet song and twinkle, twinkle. i hope to catch it on camera soon.

w update: contest is over! his symphonic band made 122 and 121...the honor band made 121, 111...yay! the rest of the school year is downhill. he played golf with his dad yesterday. he came home and told me about every single hole/stroke. i was riveted indeed.

well...lots of other things are going on. most i cannot blab about...b/c after can never be totally honest on a blog, right? no one decent, anyway...

in summary:

1. 33...ho-hum.

2. contest is over...whew!

3. if you don't have anything nice to say, don't post a blog