Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Vacay...Episode One

summer has been great. it has been especially nice to have w home with us. he certainly bit off more than he could chew this year...so i have enjoyed seeing him relax. this school year i will have to play the part of naggy, whiny wife and remind him not to take on so much. i play this part well.

we have been staying busy...good busy. seeing the sites and getting things done around the casa. all in typical daniel fashion, of course.

for example:

we went to the botanical gardens last week. m has developed the habit of not going to the bathroom when she wakes up. we beg, plead, sit her on the potty, promise her treats...she refuses. it was no different the morning we ventured out to the gardens. we arrive only to
discover that we had left both strollers at home. we ALWAYS have a stroller on hand...not sure
what we were thinking...anyhoot. ej had a hat so we decided to take a quick stroll and stay in the shade so that he wouldn't get too much sun. so...off we go...long story short...we were there about 30 minutes (still trying to get m to go to
the bathroom mind you..."you need to go potty?" "no thank you" "here's a restroom...let's go potty" "no" "let's sit down on the potty anyway"
"NOOOOOO" (screams...bangs head)) we arrive at the pond when suddenly peels of blood curdling screams break the morning stillness... then i hear "sprinkle, sprinkle"...and...there she is...peeing under a cypress tree...sigh...

in other news...
bennett has lost his top two teeth. he looks super cute and lisps. he could talk the hind leg off a mule. by 8 am i am asking him "have you met your word quota yet?"... to which he usually responds "what's a quota?" or "did you know that on super mario brothers that in world 8 i can defeat the mini bowser and you should always use the koopah shells to....blah blah...". he and his dad are reading "the magician's nephew". they're almost done. he went to t bar m day camp a couple of weeks ago. he had a great time swimming, playing, and learning more about how to be a MAC (Man After Christ). he talks alot about being a christian (mind you...this talk
does not count against his quota) and we've been talking to him alot about accepting Christ as his Savior. i believe he is ready...we hope to hear that he has made this decision soon...he is such a sweet boy!

well meredith. her recent activities include, but are not limited to...pillow diving (she piles all the couch cushions in the middle of the den), hitting her head on walls, floors or other's folk's heads in fits of rage, swinging in the backyard while wearing a pink tu-tu and mardi gras beads, and wrapping her daddy around her little finger.

ej has a little tooth poking out on the bottom. he is super cute and super pleasant. he is rolling over in both directions although i do not have visual confirmation on the tummy to back roll. he is eating a variety of foods now. i'm holding off on most fruits (he eats applesauce for bfast) in an attempt to develop his taste buddies for veggies. we'll see if it works...

me? well...i think i'm like a duck...calm on top but paddling furiously underneath...i shall go make breakfast methinks...

more later...but first...a summary...

1. summer vacay progressing as planned
2. bacon and waffles says i
3. paddle paddle paddle...